Join us

RESMAG is a network of people who have a passion for design, engineering and technology in rehabilitation. We’re developing an online community to join people together and encourage engagement between out members. We are an inclusive organisation and welcome those who work in Assistive Technology.

The group actively supports technicians, engineers, healthcare scientists and others working in Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology services in the UK. We welcome anyone with an interest in design, engineering, science and technology who aims to improve accessibility and inclusivity. Special interest groups focus on specific areas within this challenging and exciting field of work.

Our members typically work in one of these sectors:

  • Electronic Assistive Technology
  • Prosthetics and Orthotics
  • Wheelchairs and Seating

We meet quarterly and encourage members to attend members. We are currently looking at ways to make meetings more readily available using new technology. Our focus is on four key areas.

Inclusive Community

Improve engagement between members using social media and online tools. Contribute to the development of products, services and processes.

Network Building

Lobby and make representations on behalf of the membership to statutory, voluntary, educational, service and professional groups at a national level.

Knowledge Development

Initiate, promote and support professional standards, including accreditation, education and quality management within the field of rehabilitation engineering.

Encourage Innovation

Develop an inclusive, open culture to share ideas exchange of skills between services, to develop and encourage innovation within the field.

If you work in Rehabilitation Engineering, Healthcare Science or Assistive Technology, please join us. It’s free!